Visible Policing

In these podcasts, Professor Mike Rowe, Professor Andrew Millie, Dr Matt Jones, and Liam Ralph engage with a number of experts who specialise in all things related to the visual, from policing and criminology to methods and photography. Music by Joseph McDade

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Monday Feb 10, 2020

In this podcast, Dr Camilla De Camargo (Kingston University, London) shares insights from her research in England and Wales on the emotional aspects of police work as seen through how police officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) understand police uniform. 

Friday Nov 22, 2019

John Faulkner, a photographer and documentary filmmaker based in the North East of England discusses how photography works, and points to the ethical challenges and risks associated with photographing people in terms of thinking about who and what subject matters are often captured as well as those that are not. 
John's website can be found here- 

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019

Dr Tom Watson (Northumbria/Teesside University) talks about how violence is represented across a range of audio-visual film and documentary, and how censorial boards play a key role in deciding what violence is shown and not shown.

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019

Dr Liz Aston (Associate Professor of Edinburgh Napier University and Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) shares her research expertise and knowledge of policing, technology, and community policing in Scotland and across Europe. 

Monday Oct 21, 2019

Liam Ralph (Research Fellow, Northumbria University), talks about his research on police use of social media in Scotland and conveys the different ways that the police can communicate online, as well as the opportunities and challenges for the police going forward.  

Monday Oct 21, 2019

Dr Sarah Monod De Froideville (Victoria University Wellington) discusses her research into the Bailey Junior Kurariki case in New Zealand in September 2001 and how his image (aged 12 years old at the time) featured in the traditional press as he was found guilty of the manslaughter of pizza delivery man Michael Choy.

Monday Oct 21, 2019

In the first of the Visible Policing podcasts, Professor Rowe and Liam Ralph (Northumbria University) talk about the different parts of the Visible Policing project, including police buildings, police artefacts, and police use of social media.

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